June 25, 2024

Beyond Factories: Challenges of Unstructured Robotics

by Nashley Banister, Chief of Staff

In case you missed the Boston Robotics Summit & Event in May, Dave Coleman, CEO, presented on the challenge of Unstructured Robotics.

While robot arms have seen great adoption in manufacturing, we believe we have just begun to scratch the surface of applications in other industries and domains. In these semi-structured and unstructured environments, the technical challenges of reliably applying robot arms are much greater. But the need is enormous.

In this talk we highlighted how PickNik has been using advanced software approaches to lead the robotics industry in applying manipulation and grasping to some of the toughest challenges. From farm fields to ghost kitchens, subsea to outer space, we will discuss our strategies to leverage modern software (including ROS) to make robotic arm hardware more intelligent.

We have seen that many organizations want the standardization and extensibility of open source robotics (ROS) with the stability of a commercially-supported developer platform. At PickNik, we have built MoveIt Pro, a runtime and developer platform, that is designed for unstructured robotic applications with commercial-grade reliability. Our mission is to help organizations simplify, accelerate, and deliver unstructured robotics solutions.

Here is the full presentation live as well as the slide deck.

Dave Coleman is the Founder and CEO of PickNik Robotics, chairman of Space ROS, and an industry thought leader in unstructured robotics. PickNik has successfully delivered robotic manipulation innovations on and off earth over the past 8 years to over 90 customers, based on its MoveIt line of products.