Catch PickNik at the Democratize AI with Open Research Conference

Join the Transair conference on Democratizing AI with Open Research this week, October 5th! The conference addresses advances, challenges, and potentials of open science in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics including planning, motor control, knowledge representation, reasoning, machine learning, computer vision, and more.
PickNik’s CEO Dave Coleman will be joining a panel on October 9th at 10am MST to discuss “Open vs. Closed research for AI-based Robotics: Challenges, Opportunities, Caveats”. The panel will consist of the following speakers:
- Jennifer Sarah Boone (Moderator)
- Alessandro Saffiotti (Head of Cognitive Robotic Systems Lab Örebro University)
- Moritz Tenorth (CTO Magazino)
- Michael Beetz (Head of Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Bremen University)
- Dave Coleman (CEO of PickNik)
For more information check out the event website (update: the event website is no longer available).