Work with the top experts of the MoveIt Motion Planning Platform to integrate your next manipulation application. PickNik is uniquely qualified to partner with your team on customizing, extending, or improving MoveIt.
PickNik is the leading maintainer and contributor to the MoveIt project, with a full time team of developers adding new features and ensuring quality control. We are the original developers of MoveIt, OMPL, and ROS Control, so can ensure your project is solved faster with less technical risk.
We combine our strong academic backgrounds in robotics theory with deep applied software experience. Our roboticists are ready to support you on your toughest robotic problems, including motion planning, controls, grasping, perception, and navigation.
PickNik enjoys working with your robotics engineers in co-development, mentoring, consulting, and training as you build your next ROS application. We can collaborate remotely via periodic video calls, email, and online messaging. Optionally, we can collaborate onsite where we work one-on-one with your team providing hands-on MoveIt mentoring, architecting, and strategy.